Category / BSL News
Lab Offsite 2024
The lab offsite 2024 edition brought us to Radolfzell at the Lake Constance. Sebastian organized 2 excellent days (from July 1 to 3), where we had time to discuss the next projects…
Entrepreneurship training for James
James participated in an Entrepreneurship training offered by the Swiss Innovation Agency in cooperation with Innosuisse, and organized by the Innovation Office of the University of Basel. James acquired theoretical and practical…
Welcome to Irenäus
Irenäus Stec holds a Swiss Federal Medical Diploma after completing a bachelor and master of Medicine at the University of Basel. He joined the lab as MD/PhD student in June 2024 and…
A new SNSF project grant for the lab
The SNSF evaluated our grant positively and decided to support it. This will allow us to get a new understanding of “the development basis of categorization”, a theme we will focus on…
Welcome to Loïc
Loïc Anezo holds a bachelor’s degree in Chemistry & Biology from the Faculty of Life Sciences at the University of Strasbourg (France). Currently, he is in the final stages of completing his…
Lab Retreat 2023
Tommaso, with the help of Nicole, organised an excellent retreat for the 2023 edition, in a remote cottage lost in the black forest, not far from Todtnau (Germany). We spent 2 days…
Transdisciplinary exchanges at the Uni Basel
The university of Basel creates stimulating platforms to forster exchanges, discussions, and projects across the different research areas. Two of my favourite platforms in this context are the Carte Blanche Events for…
The golden pipette for Maria
Maria is bringing the trophy back home! She got the award for the best talk at the department’s PhD retreat 2023, for her presentation entitled Role of Critical Period in Categorization Formation.…
Welcome to Nataša
Nataša Jovanović joined our lab in September 2023 as a visiting scientist, as part of an exchange for the last year of her PhD studies. She started her PhD at the Charles…
New grant for Sebastian!
Sebastian was awarded a grant from the University of Basel’s Research Fund for Excellent Junior Researchers. This will allow him to complete his project about the neuronal basis of duration perception. Congratulations…
Publication from the HearLight collaboration
The Hearlight project, in which we are one of the 6 partners, is mostly stimulating and resulting in super exciting data. Some of them have just been published: Design, Characterization, and In…
Welcome to Veronique and Pauline
As a fate of the academic world, lab members are changing. While we say goodbye to our dear Patricia and wish her lots of success in her new job, we welcome Veronique…
First publication with 2P data from the lab
Sebastian’s first data set acquired with 2P has been published in eLife. In a collaboration with the group of Benny Bettler, the data explores the effect of a peptide (APP) on GABAB…
Welcome to Nicole
Nicole Schütz joined our floor as the new research assistant of Benny Bettler’s and our group on Octboer 15, 2022. Although her role in our lab is new, Nicole has been in…
Welcome to Tommaso
Tommaso Zeppillo joined our lab as a PhD student in October 2022. He completed a master in neuroscience at the University of Trieste, Italy. Tommaso is bringing his expertise in synaptic physiology…
Congratulations Dr Valerio
Patricia defended her PhD entitled “Juvenile development of the mouse central auditory sytem”, with an excellent presentation followed by a very well defended round of questions. The defense was hybrid and took…
The Brain & Sound Lab is Out and About
Our lab has been out and about in this late spring 2022. Here some updates: SPONT conference (June 6-8 2022, Alicante, Spain) for Patricia, with a poster presentation HeaR: from mechanisms to…
Patricia at the Native Scientist
On June 25, Patricia participated in a Workshop organized by the Native Scientist in Zurich. Native Scientist is a science outreach organization aiming to connect scientists and children across Europe to reduce…
Lab Retreat 2022
Suyash organised a great retreat for the 2022 edition, in a dream place in the tiny village of Mittlerschwande, in Vitznau (Switzerland). We spent 3 days in the mountain, from February 9…