Category / Seminars
Brain machine interfaces
…and advances in neural stimulation strategies: This is what was discussed at the BrainCoder conference, taking place February 19-21 in Gardanne, France – including talks by James and Tania. The lineup of…
Swiss Society for Neuroscience Meeting
The Swiss Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting took place in Lausanne on February 6-7 2025, including a program by the ySSN, a public lecture by Gregoir Courtine and Jocelyn Bloch, a “meet…
BrainCoder Conference
Together with the Hearlight consortium partners, we are organising the BrainCoder conference, that will take place Feb 20-21 2025 in Gardanne (close to Aix-la-Chapelle). Look it up here, and register before December…
Cargese 2024 conference
Maria and Tania spent a week in the beautiful institute for physicist of Cargese, Corsica, France. The conference “Maturation and plasticity of biological and artificial networks“, organized by Georges Debregeas and Remi…
10th MMN2024 conference
The Mismatch negativity (MMN) conference 2024 to place in Alicante from Sept 17-19. Manuel Malmierca and his team put up an excellent program, both scientifically and beyond, to make this gathering a…
The Brain FENS conference 2023
Maria and I attended the Brain FENS conference on “Structuring knowledge for flexible beahvior”. We got excellent feedback on my talk and Maria’s poster, presenting “Neural computation underlying transfer of learning”. Thank…
Giessbach meeting 2023
The Giessbach meeting 2023 innovated by …not being at Giessbach, but at Les Rasses instead! Everyhting else stayed the same: the excellent and very inspiring scientific talks, the exchanges among swiss neuroscientists,…
2023 Inhibition in the CNS GRC conference
Florian attended the GRC conference on “Assembly and Function of Inhibitory Neurons in Health and Disease” that took place in July in Les Diablerets, Switzerland. He got excellent feedback on his poster…
The Basel Neuroscience Workshops are launched
Together with Flavio Donato (Biozentrum), Johannes Felsenberg (FMI), and Rava da Silveira (IOB), we launched a new seminar series: the Basel Neuroscience Workshops. In four afternoons per year, the circuit neuroscience community…
International Conference on Auditory Cortex
The ICAC2020 (International Conference on Auditory Cortex 2020) finally took place in September 2022 – covid obliged. But the wait was wirth it – what rich, encouraging and inspiring exchanges happened within…
The Brain & Sound Lab is Out and About
Our lab has been out and about in this late spring 2022. Here some updates: SPONT conference (June 6-8 2022, Alicante, Spain) for Patricia, with a poster presentation HeaR: from mechanisms to…
Brain Awareness Week 2022
I finally trusted my broken german enough and participated in the Brain Awareness Week 2022. Back in person, the places were all booked for an evening on “how real is reality”, with…
Giessbach meeting 2021
What a nice way to start the in-person meetings again, after an almost 2 year break due to the pandemic, with the Giessbach meeting. Held this year in September, with excellent talks…
LOOPS seminar
Livia de Hoz and Julio Hachavarria are organizing an online weekly seminar where international speakers talk about their work on subcortico-cortical loops from the perspective of different sensory modalities. All talks are…
Kinder Uni Basel 2021
The University of Basel has an excellent program for children aged 8-12 years old, including talks on all kind of subjects. Tania participated this year with a talk on “how does the…
Magdalena and Sebastian’s work at Cosyne 2021
Both Magdalena’s and Sebastian’s abstracts were selected for this year’s edition of Cosyne: Poster 3-114: The emergence and function of cortical offset responses in sound termination detection Poster 3-110: Two distinct mechanisms…
Seminars about our work on critical periods
Tania has been presenting the work summarized in two of the lab’s recent papers (Cerebral Cortex 2019, Cell Reports 2020) at different occasions around Europe (via zoom): at the University of Geneva…
FENS Forum 2020
We are very excited to be part of the FENS Forum 2020. You can find us at many different events: Magdalena Solyga is presenting her data at the poster 600: “Auditory offset…
Swiss Society of Neuroscience Annual Meeting 2020
Patricia and Elisabetta presented posters at the Swiss Society of Neuroscience meeting 2020, taking place at the university of Bern on February 22 2020.
- Auditory Experiences (9)
- BSL News (78)
- In the Media (22)
- Seminars (40)