Congratulations Dr. Navntoft!
Charlotte brilliantly defended her PhD, titled “Improving cochlear implant performance with new pulse shapes: a multidisciplinary approach”. It took place at DTU and on zoom in a 3 hour long presentation and…
Feel like letting it out?
Check this out: (doesn’t have to be a scream only – could be a piece of poetry too…) Oh Iceland you will always surprise me!
An auditory experience by Susan Philipsz at the Beyeler Fondation
Seven Tears, a work from the Fondation Beyeler’s collection, is based on the famous piece “lachrimae (Seaven Teares)” from 1604 by John Dowland. In Susan Philipsz’s installation, each vinly record plays a…
Listening happens in the brain, not in the ears…
An article was published in the University of Basel’s English-language blog “Sci Five” (Medium) on our research on critical periods in the developing auditory system (Bhumika et al, 2019; Nakamura et al.,…
Welcome to Sebastian
Sebastian has joined our lab as postdoc in November 2020. Coming from the lab of Mathew Diamond with a deep knowledge of history-dependent perceptual judgment and context dependent perception of time in…
SNSF project grant funded
The Swiss National Science Foundation decided to fund our project on “Functional maturation of the central auditory system”. We are very excited to be able to follow this line of research in…
Mari’s manuscript is published today
Mari’s manuscript – Sequential organization of critical periods in the mouse auditory system – is online today at Cell Reports. Critical periods in the auditory system are feature dependent and asynchronous. Using…
First pre-print of the lab
So happy to see Gioia’s project out in bioRxiv: “Task-engagement modulation along the auditory pathway”. The manuscript reports the effect of attention, arousal, reward and movement in 4 different nuclei along the…
FENS Forum 2020
We are very excited to be part of the FENS Forum 2020. You can find us at many different events: Magdalena Solyga is presenting her data at the poster 600: “Auditory offset…
Neuromatch Academy 2020 for Magdalena and Elisabetta
Magdalena and Elisabetta have both been selected in the interactive track of the Neuromatch Academy 2020, a “worldwide academy to train neuroscientists to learn computational tools, make connections to real world neuroscience…
Welcome to Suyash
Suyahs Joshi has joined our lab in May 2020 as a postdoc. With his expertise in modelling and audiology, Suyash will add a new perspective to our research questions. We are all…
Optimize the bionic ear to get it in better shape
Charlotte wrote a super nice “Behind the paper” blogpost on her last publication. Check it out here: [link] . With it we would also like to pay tribute to Jonathan Laudansky who…
Welcome to Catherine
Catherine Perrodin, a Sir Henry Wellcome postdoc at the Institute of Behavioural Neuroscience at the University College London, is visiting our lab for some months. Welcome Catherine, great to have you in…
Swiss Society of Neuroscience Annual Meeting 2020
Patricia and Elisabetta presented posters at the Swiss Society of Neuroscience meeting 2020, taking place at the university of Bern on February 22 2020.
Florian was awarded a Marie Curie Fellowship
Congratulations to our postdoc Florian Studer who just got awarded a MSCA fellowship! We are very much looking forward to exploring auditory learning in more details.
Charlotte’s manuscript is accepted for publication
Charlotte’s manuscript “Ramped pulse shape are more efficient for cochlear implant stimulation in an animal model”, showing how changing the pulse shape for the stimulation of mouse cochlear implants can be beneficial,…
Patricia is attending the Winter School Neural Networks 2020
Patricia got accepted to participate in the PSL Qlife Winter School on Neural Networks 2020, taking place in the Ecole Normale Superieure of Paris, February 3-7 2020. She will learn a lot…
Lab Retreat 2020
We started the year with a lab retreat in Tanay (VS, Switzerland) on January 6 and 7 2020. In addition to discussing the next big questions in (auditory) neuroscience, we also talked…
Good noise, bad noise: white noise improves hearing
Our Cell Reports paper is advertised for in the Uni news! Thank you Iris Mickein for the nice article. It has also been noticed by the swiss radio, who called me for an interview on…